Monday 31 August 2015

On 'Just Having One Of Those Weeks'


So between last Monday and this these things happened:

1) A routine blood test turned into a specialist appointment
2) I realised I am losing my hair
4) I got a concussion

And because I am currently concussed, I'll keep this brief.

So just over a week ago I went to see my Dr as thought I was anemic again cos have been having quite serious dizzy spells.  Because I feel like I practically live at the Drs and it's hard going with two kids I put off going for a while as was pretty sure this is what the issue was - which sucks, but is not serious.  So when I got the text to go in to discuss my blood results that's what I thought I was  going in for.

But I was wrong.  Turns out this Dr (unlike other Drs) tested my thyroid function and it was not good.  She was expecting me to know what she was talking about, but given this is the first time it's come up I had no idea.  She referred me on to an endocrinology specialist, put me on a small dose of meds (didn't want to mess with stuff too much until I've seen the specialist) and sent me on my way.

So I felt a bit shell shocked.  On getting home and resorting to Dr Google I felt a little better but still felt a bit side swiped by new medical information.  I have never been more grateful for medical insurance.  It means I'm seeing the specialist this Thursday.  So while I know it's probably nothing serious, it's still nice to know that I'll know for sure sooner rather than later.

A couple of days after this I got out of the shower, looked in the mirror and noticed my bald patches.  They have probably been there for a while - just shows how often I look in the mirror!  My hair had been falling out over the last month, but I thought nothing of it as I remember 'the thinning' from after having Etta - a pretty normal thing post baby once the baby hormones start to change.  The last thinning was not like this one though.  This time I actually have patches where the hair has thinned so much you can see my scalp - and it's right at the front of my hairline!

If you have followed my blog for a long while you'll know that a while ago I did Shave for a Cure - I have absolutely no issue with having no hair (besides the fact it gets bloody cold).  But again, this was a blindside - experiencing real hair-loss just after turning 34 is not something I really considered would happen to me.  I didn't have a cry about it, but I did spend a little bit of time fretting about what it looked like and how to style my hair so you couldn't see the patches.  Which is ridiculous given I hadn't even noticed myself for who knows how long.  Now I've cut my hair just to minimise the damage to our drains (you don't want to know how much hair was stuck in our bath drain) and am feeling ok about it. 

The hair loss is likely linked to the thyroid stuff.  And once we know what's causing that I should be able to grow that hair back and feel normal again.  So that's pretty cool.

And then yesterday I was popping outside to hang out my net curtains* BAM.  I slip on our paving stones and smack my head into the underside of our deck on the way down.  I didn't pass out but it did take me a while to fish myself out from the bamboo cut-off pile under our deck and assess the damage.  Initially, it was my arse I was most worried about.  I fell pretty hard and copped a nice butt-bruise in the process.  My head was sore, but ok.  We decided to assess whether or not I needed to get it checked out in a few hours.

Murray is a pro at concussions having suffered many himself.  And because he's had a few I'm pretty up to date with my concussion knowledge.  I started having serious light and sound sensitivity so we first called Healthline to check if I should get checked out.  And then we got checked out.  I was really glad I did as I hadn't thought about my neck at all the in the scheme of things, and due to how I fell, and where there was pain I had to get a neck xray just to be safe.

So yeah.  I do have a concussion and I can officially confirm from experience that they are not fun.  I am so glad I have the backing of a medical professional as I've not been able to do anything all day.  For the first time since I had food poisoning when I was pregnant, I literally spent most of the day in bed.  I haven't even been able to read.  Concussion feels a little bit like being on drugs you don't want to be on.  Everything is a bit disconnected and fuzzy.  I've been getting some words mixed up.  My brain can be slow in getting the words out I want to say.  It's very frustrating and tiring being concussed. 

I am so glad to have had help from Mum over yesterday and today.  She and Murray have been great looker afterers of me during this time.  Small people don't understand brain injury and sound sensitivity.  And my small people are loud, and not used to being told off for being loud (we encourage sound play in our house).  In saying that, Etta's been fantastic today.  And Abby too!  Turns out Gripe water really helps her to sleep.  My only-naps-in-45-minute-bursts baby napped for three hours today.  Thank you gripe water for helping me get rest today!

So yeah, it's been a bit of an eventful and sucky week but we do have exciting and happy making things on the horizon.  Tomorrow I start a 30 day painting project.  Wish me luck!  Hoping it works out better than last time I attempted a similar thing (I've simplified, so it should).

* We had a Smartvent system installed on Monday so am now on a window and mould cleaning bender as it has made an AMAZING difference and I'd love to totally rid the house of grossness once and for all.

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